Email Marketing

Email Marketing Doesn’t Have to Be Hard…or Spammy

In our digital age, where communication is often just a click or two away, businesses are continually exploring different ways to connect with their potential customers.

Among the many strategies available, email marketing stands out for its efficiency, personalization, and remarkable return on investment (ROI). Yet is frequently one ot the most overlooked tools, because of spam.

Whether you are just starting out or looking to revamp your existing sales process, this article will guide you through the types of email marketing you can use to move your small business forward, without coming off at spammy or pushy.

For small businesses, email marketing presents an array of benefits that are hard to ignore.

According to Oberlo, as of 2021, there are 4.03 billion email users worldwide, a figure that is projected to reach 4.48 billion by 2024. This vast reach makes email marketing an excellent tool for growing (almost) any type of business.

Data from HubSpot also indicates that for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $38. This exceptional return on the money invested makes using email, a very cost-effective marketing strategy, particularly for small businesses with small budgets.

NOTE: Emails the single most maligned forms of online marketing. Okay, well frankly most promotional emails are poorly done and come off as being spammy, manipulative or aggressive. (Of course some of the most gifted modern day scammers, con artists and grifters have used email, too!)

Since most of the buying public believe that any type of promo email is going to be pushy crap, I suggest you only use your emails to subtly “nudge” people toward an action you want them to take, like sign up for your newsletter to “to get exclusive offers” or gentle “reminders” about your other service offerings.

Now, let’s dive into the various types of emails for marketing

Promotional Emails: These emails are designed to announce sales, discounts, or special offers. They aim to drive immediate action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service. These are also called ” blasts” because they are sent out on an irregular timeframe, i.e. only sent to promote a specific sale or event.

Welcome Emails: This type of email is sent to new subscribers or new customers. Welcome emails introduce your business and set expectations about what the customer should anticipate in future communications.  They are also good to send out to let customers know more about your website, and/or social media pages.

Personalized Recommendation Emails: These emails suggest products or services based on a customer’s service or purchasing history. Personalized emails improve customer rapport and can significantly boost repeat sales. They are sent out AFTER a completed service, to let your customers know more about your other services. Or this is a great way for a retail shop to create a “buyers” list, so they can offer “exclusive deals” to past customers to increase repeat sales.

Newsletter Emails: Newsletters are used to provide regular updates about your business, products, or industry news. Because they sent out on a set schedule (weekly, or monthly) they can help keep your business on “top of mind” of potential customers and help foster a sense of community among list subscribers.

Transactional Emails: These are triggered by a specific action a customer takes, such as making a purchase (online or off) or resetting a password. Transactional emails confirm the action taken and provide necessary details for the subscriber.

Re-engagement Emails: Sent to inactive list subscribers, re-engagement emails aim to revive interest in your business, products or services.


Email marketing, when done right, can be a powerful tool in your small business arsenal. It’s not just about sending emails; it’s about forging meaningful relationships with your customers, driving engagement, and ultimately, fostering business growth.

Remember, with any type of email marketing, professionalism and consistency are key. Learning to use a reputable email automotion service that offers robust features and fits your budget can seem a bit overwhelming.

So if you have any problems, issues or just want an idea of which way to go, feel free to contact me > for a free consult.

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